Welcome to our 'Shared Education' page, we hope you enjoy looking and reading about all of the amazing things we have been doing with our partner school, St. Bernard's.
Mission Statement
To enable our children to have the opportunity to learn together as equals, demonstrating respect, love and kindness. We want to provide our children with opportunities to show compassion and acceptance to children from different communities.
What is Shared Education?
Shared Education involves the sustained provision of opportunities for children and young people from different communities and backgrounds to learn together both in and out of school.’ DENI 2016
It enables children from different sectors to join together for curriculum based collaboration- for example to study a specific subject through a shared class, or to undertake a project
It aims to promote reconciliation through building relationships and sharing a variety of learning experiences
Our Partnership
Through the PEACE IV Programme, Mossley Primary School have found a partner school, St. Bernard's Primary school in Newtownabbey. We are currently in our sixth year of the programme with a class from each year group being involved in the project.
Throughout the year, the children will have the opportunity to both travel to our partner school and remain at Mossley PS, undertaking activities alongside their new friends as well as enjoy educational visits that relate to the curriculum being covered in school.
They will take part in various activities across the curriculum including Numeracy, Literacy, WAU, The Arts and PATHs.